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In Loving Memory - Daniel R. Hart

Teen Line

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

Daniel R. Hart’s life was dedicated to “service”. He strove to improve the lives of others in a multitude of ways. In particular, he loved working with youth. After graduating from college with a degree in Psychology in Washington State he stayed there for three years and worked with the Clark County Sheriff’s Department. He built a Meth Action Coalition to educate teens about the dangers related to methamphetamines.

Previously he spent many years travelling the world on a spiritual journey. His passports are filled with stamps from India, Asia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Mexico and Israel amongst other locations. He frequently went to Indian Reservations in California, Arizona and New Mexico. Daniel steeped himself in the mystical side of Judaism and intensely studied the Kabbalah. He had tremendous insight into the human condition and happily shared his wisdom with others.

He returned to his native Los Angeles and returned to school to become a licensed psychotherapist and in this field, he specialized in working with youth and adults who struggled with substance abuse and mental illness. While getting his degree he helped train and oversee teens at Teen Line which is a hotline that helps teens in crisis. Daniel was very impressed with this program and loved participating with this group. He also volunteered at Beit T’Shevah which is a residential treatment center in Culver City. Additionally, Daniel did an internship at Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services in Inglewood.

For more than 5 years Daniel worked at Mission Community Hospital’s Turning Point program for people suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. Most recently Daniel was working at Evolve’s Bel-Air Treatment Center. He loved working with both the patients and staff at both facilities and this work was very meaningful to him.

Daniel’s life was a pursuit of knowledge and he embraced this journey with tremendous passion. His wisdom and understanding helped scores of people who were fortunate enough to have their paths cross his. He was loved and will be missed by all of those his life touched.

Donations received: $2,852

Raised by 8 donors

Recent Donations

Stephie Fleck

April 20, 2017



Steve Hart

Rochelle Huppin

Norma Huppin

Karen and Craig Schiro

Rochelle, Samantha, Abraham & Lea

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